Herbert Hinteregger
Get the picture
Herbert Hinteregger (in the world of things .)
Starting from the assumption of what the American painter James Abbott McNeal Whistler has stated, according to tradition and regarding the question of the influence of genetic material and environmental/political circumstances, “Art happens”. Art does not exist but happens in a moment of perception. Jorge Luis Borges tells this story about Whistler in his lectures on poetology, (This craft of verse). In a world of physical objects the art work is only a physical object. And in the moment of perception the dead item changes into an object of comprehension and realization.
The concentration of Herbert Hinteregger’s paintings and objects and the fluidity of our perception are the initial point of the following statement: Along the edge of Hintereggers paintings the colour application is clearly withdrawn. On the face side the grounded canvas remains visible as a white frame along the perimeter of the picture. Therefore the illusion prevents a painting per se as a pre-existing entity. The stretcher bars and the canvas is the object or the “image carrier”. Thus the coloration receives a different emphasis. With this deliberate setting the colour itself becomes the pivotal point of perception.
The medium Herbert Hinteregger is using are various types of ball-pen ink. They are available in a multitude of colours and densities. They can appear delicate and translucent like a glaze or dense and opaque. The application of the paint usually is applied with sponges creating structures and overlays. The coloured surface is iridescent allowing each position a different impression.
At times the colour appears velvety and soft, and at other times hard like that of a ceramic glaze. Hinteregger’s paintings appear familiar like the designs of the 1950’s as well as oriental designs and architectural structures yet they are not. The steady change of appearance does not allow for ambiguity. Our use of graphical interfaces of “windows” on the screen coupled with the illusion of foreground and background while changing between programs makes us skeptical. The viewer consistently demands a picture and the reference to its materiality. The immanent visible structures go beyond the painting or enter from outside. A single painting could also be seen as a manifesto of a certain time and place within a process of bigger dimensions. Thus a series of paintings produce an image of time and spatial structure, of an artistic process that is a continuum. Therefore as the smaller paintings appear to be “faster” and the larger canvases seem “slower”, they can always be read in a context.
Drawing and wall-painting complete the spectrum. Again the center of reference is outside the “picture”. Regardless of typographical signs and existent pictorial material or lines, continuity takes place in the head. The lines reminiscent of roadmaps are strictly defining while the coloration appears softer and more organic. These seemingly rational delineations, being structure, overlay other structures while in the painting they act as an additional dimension.
A more radical thought possibility is the artist’s swimming pool “liquid painting” and its coloured content challenging; where is the picture? Is it the coloured water contained with in the circular frame of the pool’s structure or the reflective surface of the amorphic mass? Or a sphere made of ball-pens whose ink is already spent? Where is the picture that these ball-pens have produced? Herbert Hinteregger proves that the stretcher bars and the canvas are only one possibility to act as an image carrier for the painting. And that paint as an artistic act is also applicable in other media.
Absent pictures as a possibility to continued thinking.
Axel Jablonski
born 1970, lives and works in Kirchberg, AT
selected solo exhibitions
Herbert Hinteregger, Lombardi—Kargl 5/5a, Wien
Herbert Hinteregger, Zeitkunst Galerie, Kitzbühel
Herbert Hinteregger, Galerie Johann Widauer, Innsbruck
How to (Untitled), Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
TODAY (Untitled), kunsthaus meurz, Mürzzuschlag
Herbert Hinteregger and Anna Kolodziejska, Galerie am Polylog, Wörgl
Kunstverein Galerie am Polylog, Wörgl, with Anna Kolodziejska
Herbert Hinteregger, Galerie Johann Widauer, Innsbruck
Solo booth, Vienna Contemporary 20, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien
White overpainted view (Show IV. Waldboden, Forest Floor), Zeitkunstgalerie Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel
Silver Paris Drawings (Show III. Waldboden, Forest Floor), Zeitkunstgalerie Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel
Space one painting (Show II. Waldboden, Forest Floor), Zeitkunstgalerie Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel
Untitled (gab nach, sodass sie zu fallen drohte), Galerie Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt-Main
All over over all (Show I. Waldboden, Forest Floor), Zeitkunstgalerie Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel
Untitled (Kunstschnee), Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna
Kunstverein Rosenheim
performance by appointment, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Untitled (Flow), Kunstverein Heilbronn, Heilbronn
Untitled (Flow), Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck
Untitled (Value), RLB Atelier, Lienz
Now on Display, Sammlung Ivo Moser, Innsbruck
Franz Graf/Herbert Hinteregger, Halle Otrans, Kitzbühel
Eve-Level of my Art Dealer, Artissima, Torino
Herbert Hinteregger & Michael Sailstorfer, Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna
Halle Otrans, Kitzbühel
was, wann, warum, Galeria Antonia Ferrara, Regio Emilia
A sense of disquietude concerning the existing order of things, Herbert Hinteregger and Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Gasthof Schwarzer Adler, Jochberg
part 2, Galleria Antonio Ferrara, Reggio Emilia
Neue Gemälde, Galerie Bernhard Knaus, Mannheim
Galerie Bernd Kugler (with Lisa Endriss), Innsbruck
all over – store, Georg Kargl permanent, Vienna
Private View, Antonio Ferrara, Reggio Emilia
all over, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Gegenstände, Kunstraum Innsbruck/Project Space, Innsbruck
Get the picture, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
ball-pen-ink, Remise Bludenz, Bludenz (curated by Axel Jablonski)
Secrets and dangers, Galerie Bernhard Knaus, Mannheim
Schwamm drüber, kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag
Antonio Ferrara, Reggio Emilia
Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Antonio Ferrara, Reggio Emilia
Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Dekoration einer Langeweile, AM&E, Vienna
App.Bxl; App.Bxl, Brussels
Repeat, Trabant, Vienna
Triple Stripe Mural, Depot, Vienna
10 x 10, Galerie Theuretzbacher, Vienna
Wintersaison, Bad Habits, Kirchberg
Kitzbühelerstr. 8, Arena, Kirchberg
Graffiti, Moustache, Kirchberg
Selected Group Exhibitions
Anna Kolodziejska und Herbert Hinteregger, Galerie am POLYGOL, kunst.raum.wörgl, Wörgl
frech und frei, MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna
KUNSTBÜHEL, Museum Kitzbühel | Sammlung Alfons Walde, Kitzbühel
Attempt at Rapprochement, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Intermezzo II, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck
Konkrete Gegenwart, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich
Auf der Kippe. Eine Konfliktgeschichtedes Tabaks, Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum, Innsbruck
Transformation of Geometry, Collections of Siegfried Grauwinkel, Berlin and Miroslav Velfl, Prague, G HMP Prague City Gallery, Prague
20 Jahre RLB Kunstbrücke, RLB Kunstbrücke, Innsbruck
Sammlung der Raiffeisenbank Kitzbühel – St. Johann, Raiffeisen Haus, Kitzbühel
Kunstankäufe der Stadt Innsbruck 2018, Fördergalerie der Stadt Innsbruck, Innsbruck
PIN.Party, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
CONCENTRATION - a tribute, Gesellschaft für projektive Ästhetik, Georg Kargl, Vienna
Recollection, Galeria Poyectos Monclova, Mexico City
20 Jahre, RLB-Kunstbrücke, Innsbruck
La Collection BIC, Le CentQuatre Paris
Reduction, Gesellschaft für projektive Ästhetik, Georg Kargl, Vienna
Relaunch, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Remastered - Die Kunst der Aneignung, Kunsthalle Krems, Krems
Abstrakt - Spatial, Kunsthalle Krems, Krems
Transparency, Georg Kargl Fine Arts & BOX, Vienna
Stadt Kunst Innsbruck, Die Sammlung der Stadt Innsbruck, Alte Stadtsäle, Innsbruck
a likeness has blisters, it has that and teeth, Semperdepot, Vienna
Schneesalon, Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna
Bildwelten der Reduktion, RLB Kunstbrücke, Innsbruck
Endoscopia, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck
Konkret – Abstrakt, Parlament, Vienna
Sammlung RLB, RLB Atelier, Lienz
Siehe was dich sieht, Franz Graf, 21er Haus, Vienna
Additive Abstraktion, curated by _Martin Prinzhorn, curated by_vienna 2013, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Sammlung Grauwinkel - 30 Jahre Konkrete Kunst (1882-2012), Vasarély Museum, Budapest
Immer Bunter – Aktuelle Malerei aus Österreich, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck
Nemesims, by Muntean/Rosenblum, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Sammlung Sigrid und Franz Wojda, MMKK, Klagenfurt
Nemesims, by Muntean/Rosenblum, Frieze Art Fair, London
Killing the system softly, Galleria Antonio Ferrara, Region Emilia Italy
Darling, you sent me, B19, Vienna
Now on Display: Carol Bove, Sammlung Ivo Moser, Innsbruck
Fine Line, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Sammlung der RaiffeisenBank Kitzbühel, Oberndorf
Kunstpreis 2010 der RLB Tirol, RLB Kunstbrücke, Innsbruck
Now on Display: Michael Sailstorfer, Sammlung Ivo Moser, Innsbruck
31. Österreichischer Graphikwettbewerb 2009, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck
Alpen-Adria-Galerie, Klagenfurt; Südtiroler Kulturinstitut, Bolzano
Fairly Abstract, Galerie Zink, Munich
THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE, BUT THE SHOW MUST GO ON, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck
Vom Schnee, Museum Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel
warum so wenig, Kunstverein, Murau
12 works on paper, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck
Ankäufe, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck
...und immer fehlt mir was, und das quält mich, Atelier Färbergasse, Vienna
Statement, Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt am Main
White Painting and Curtain, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna
Ca. 1000 m2Tiroler Kunst, ehem. Kaufhaus Tyrol, Innsbruck
Erwin Bohatsch und Student/innen, Investkredit Bank AG, Vienna
Nach Rokytník, die Sammlung der EVN, MUMOK Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna
Lines and Traces, Galerie Bernhard Knaus, Mannheim
Good Timing, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
The Red Thread, Howard House Gallery, Seattle, Educational Alliance Gallery, New York
From Above, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Vienna Coffee Table, Galerie Bernhard Knaus, Mannheim
Summer Holidays, Galerie Bernhard Knaus, Mannheim
Außer Atem. Fokus österreichische Malerei, Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden
Re-Production 2, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Collector’s Choice – Sammlung Ploil, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Variable Stücke, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck
Blobs, wiggles and dots…, The Work Space, New York
steirischer herbst 2002, steirischer herbst, Graz
Pittura austriae I/III, Kunstforum beim Rathaus, Hallein
Zusammenhänge im Biotop Kunst, kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag
steirischer herbst 2001, steirischer herbst, Graz
Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
New Austrian Spotlight, Universität Marmara, Istanbul
Focus on…, Venetia Kapernekas Fine Arts, New York
Weg aus dem Bild, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Prepared, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Malerei, Galerie Mezzanin, Vienna
Notas al Margen, Corp Balmaceda 1215, Santiago de Chile
Bücherraum (Franz Graf), kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag
Still, Sal de Balle, Institut Français Vienna, curated by Sabine Schaschl
Träbanta, Trabant, Vienna
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