Rafał Bujnowski
Current Works
The exhibition Current Works presents drawings, photos and paintings – classic media that Rafał Bujnowski puts to the test and transgresses their limits. He examines if our current experience, perpetually mediated virtually, and the good old arts of drawing, photography and painting can be a match for each other. Are these media able to carry the weight of our experience, are they still relevant? The exhibition's title is a linguistic ready-made perversely playing with the notion of the present that has undergone a radical metamorphosis. It is no longer banally descriptive; instead, it uncovered its semantic heaviness. The perspective which the present moment used to give us – on time, stability and presence – is no longer there. To paraphrase Marx: “All that was solid melted into air.” The same is true about work which, on the one hand, has become even more alienated, but on the other – it might be our saving grace, a therapeutic strategy in face of the constantly changing “here and now.”
The exhibition opens with ideographic drawings of lips: smiling, often drawn in one swift stroke, portrayed with tenderness and longing, as if the artist worried they might disappear. Bujnowski juxtaposes them with photos of sand where the sun-warmed grains also form the line of lips. The photos are reminiscent of a documentation of an ephemeral site-specific installation, in constant danger of being destroyed by wind or rain. The drawings and photographs enter a rare and tender relationship; it is a study of longing and a lack which is contrasted with the process of documentation, capturing, saving. The lips become a symbol of an insatiable nostalgia, they make evident the change, the erasure of lips from public space. Bujnowski tries to restore their intimacy and closeness, paradoxically looking for them in the grains of sand, in the line drawn, on the surface of paper.
In the next room we can see large format paintings: Stand by Computer and Venetian Blind. Stand by Computer shows the sleeping computer on the table and the chair against the glowing patch of the curtain painted in cold blues and grey, the colours of the small hours. The protagonists of the painting are light, temperature and a complex array of ambivalent emotional responses to a manipulation with chromatic black. A deep desolation, joy mixed with anxiety, a hypnotising unknown, ready to receive what the day brings, a strange temporality of this special moment, both alienating and stabilizing. The picture is also a painterly agon won. The theory of the agon, referring to the struggle of the old poet with the young one, says that the winner is the poet who will speak the most aboriginal, primal language, the voice of young Adam (the first man) early in the morning. Bujnowski, entering a dialogue with painterly tradition, creates a new quality: he manages to capture the condition of an individual in the world coming to life. He captures the individual's ambiguous spectrum of feelings – a mixture of joy and anxiety, loneliness and serenity, stability and uncertainty – in his own new language. The line of the computer, the chair and the table – the narrative part of Stand by Computer – is sharply juxtaposed with the anti-painting of Venetian Blind, a view of a parking lot painted with lines, a geometric abstraction depicting something like a post-human landscape, though shown without horrifying undertones. These abstractions remind me of a Casio keyboard or the notation for Phillip Glass's minimalist pieces. This is the structure of repetition, of a coolly devised order, of reduction. These abstractions are indeed repeated later in the exhibition, in smaller formats.
Bujnowski's Torsos were made by scratching off cobalt blue with a towel, i.e. taking off paint until the shape emerges. They resemble early dageurreotypes or, to an even greater degree, Bayard's Self-Portrait as Drowned Man. The hypnotic power of these images has its source in the light which, as in the case of early photographs, is the key to their creation. In the case of dageurreotypes it was about the exposure time to light, with Bujnowski – it is about the precision in subtracting paint.
The last group of works at the exhibition (Masks) are portraits of people with their mouths covered; the pictures have been painted on paper towels, with brushes soaked in oil paint. The viewer who comes closer to identify the shape emerging from the daub, will be reflected in the picture's glass frame: a face in a mask, with only the gaze at their disposal, a gaze wherein ferments fear, a bitter coda to the uncovered lips shown in the first room.
Bujnowski proves that in order to say something about us, to create a moving vivisection of longing, fear, anxiety, joy, the feeling of unmitigated lack, one does not need to add anything, to multiply complicated narrations. It is enough to tenderly subtract something, wipe it out, erase.
Michał Łukaszuk
born 1974 in Wadowice, Poland, lives and works in Warsaw
Selected Solo Exhibitions
PARA / STEAM. Róza Litwa / Rafał Bujnowski, Dzielna Foundation, Warsaw
Portraits, Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna
Lamp Black Love Story, Foxy Productions, New York
Dom w budowie, Fundacja Dzielna, Warsaw
Current Works, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Rafał Bujnowski, Foxy Production, New York City
Art and Hygiene, Galeria DAP, Warsaw
Man On Tree, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
May 2066, Zachęta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
Cukrovarnická 39, Open Studio, SVIT Praha, Prague
SVIT, Prague
Dusk, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok
Arsonists, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
Panorama, Galeria BWA, Zielona, Góra
Corner, Johnen Galerie, Berlin
OczodoŁy (Sockets), Galeria Raster, Warsaw
85%, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
Lamp Black, Jiri Svestka Gallery, Prague
Johnen & Schöttle, Cologne
Norwich Gallery, Norwich
embroider - Rafał Bujnowski, Johnen Galerie, Berlin
malen/painting/malowanie, Kunstverein Düsseldorf, Dusseldorf
Last Saved, Arndt & Partner, Zurich
Visa, Raster, Warsaw
Paintings and Furnitures, Polish Cultural Institute, Paris
Art in General, New York
Rafał Bujnowski, Jozef Robakowski, Galerie Ruediger Schoettle, Munich
New and recent (with Marcin Maciejowski), IBID PROJECTS, London
Paintings.Objects, Galerie Johnen+Schoettle, Cologne
120 objects, 150 paintings, Raster, Warsaw
Graboszyce, Kont Gallery, Lublin
Painting, Renovation, Centre for Contemporary Art Innerspaces Multimedia, Poznań
Window, AMS Outdoor Gallery (400 billboards around Poland)
A very pretty gallery, Kronika Gallery, Bytom
Kiosk, Galeria 1/2, Academy of Fine Arts, Katowice
Consumer products and equipment, Goethe Institut, Kraków
Consumer products and equipment, Bagatt Showroom, Warsaw, Białystok
Pictures, Zderzak Gallery, Kraków
VHS 180min, Potocka Gallery, Kraków
Cheap art from Poland - Export, Window Galleries – Central Saint Martins, London
Grafika gratis, Kola Gallery, Institute of Art History Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Anka, Galeria Otwarta Pracownia, Kraków
Tabliczki, Klub Pod Ręką, Kraków
Selected Group Exhibitions
Video Store, Foxy Production, New York
Painting - Art's Golden Medium: MOCAK Collection, MOCAK, Krakow
Tectonic Movements. On the Artistic Symptoms of the Transition, Museum Sztuki, Lodz
Little Precious Things, Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna
The Passion, Hall Art Foundation, Schloss Derneburg, Holle-Der
Arts Feeds on Art, MOCAK, Krakow
The Artist Is Present, MOCAK, Krakow
Architectur as Symbol, Text and Backdrop, MOCAK, Krakow
Fear, Galeria Arsenal, Białystok
Cherries, Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok
Contemporary models of realism (MOCAK Collection), Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK), Kraków
The Pope, Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK), Kraków
Theft And Destruction, Arsenal Gallery, Białystok
Figura, Foxy Production, New York
Polish artists in the Bunkier Sztuki Collection, Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków
Rafał Bujnowski, Peter Puklus, Zofia Rydet: 1000 Hands, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
Rafał Bujnowski, Michelle Rawlings: Formy, as spart of Hikarie Contemporary Art Eye Series in Shibuya Hikarie Creative Space, Tokyo
1000 Hands, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
Thinking. Ahead, Galerie Erna Hecey, Luxembourg
Hommage, Arsenal Gallery, Białystok
Motherland in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK), Krakow
Condo New York, Foxy Production, New York
Economize! On the Relationship of Art and Economy, Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art Budapest, Budapest
140 Beats per Minute, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw
Co z tą abstrakcją?, Stefan Gierowski Foundation, Warsaw
Art in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK), Kraków
If I were the moon, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
L’arte differente: MOCAK al MAXXI, MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome
Szalona Galeria, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw
Home At Last: The Polish House During The Transition, 8th Edition Of The Warsaw Under Construction Festival, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw
It’s getting better and even better? the presentation of Kolekcja II, Gallery Arsenal, Bialystok
Bittersüße Zeiten – Barock und Gegenwart, Edwin Scharff Museum, Neu-Ulm
Tower, IBID PROJECTS, London
Mere Formality, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin
Black & White – Multifarious, Galerie Leu, Munich
State of Life. Polish Contemporary Art within a Global Circumstance, National Art Museum of China – NAMOC, Beijing
Bittersüße Zeiten - Barock und Gegenwart in der Sammlung SØR Rusche Berlin/Oelde, Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche, Aschaffenburg
Art In Music - Werke aus der ACT Art Collection, Weserburg | Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen
Mixed Bag, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf
Projekt Metropolis, CCA Kronika, Bytom (Poland)
Procedures for the head. Polish Art Today, Dom umenia/Kunsthalle Bratislava, Bratislava
Schneesalon, Georg Kargl Fine Arts & Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna
Bittersüße Zeiten - Barock und Gegenwart in der Sammlung SØR Rusche Berlin/Oelde, Kunsthaus Apolda Avantgarde, Apolda
A Place Where We Could Go, NoPlace, Oslo
Progress And Hygiene, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
Bittersüsse Zeiten - Barock Und Gegenwart In Der Sammlung Sør Rusche Oelde/ Berlin, Kunsthaus Stade, Stade
Around Bauhaus, Arsenal Gallery, Białystok
Crime in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK), Kraków
As You Can See. Polish Art Today, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw
In The Near Future, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw
The Drunkard's Dog, Gdańska Galeria Miejska, Gdansk
Popes, Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK), Kraków
Economics in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK), Kraków
In The Heart Of The Country - The Collection Of The Museum Of Modern Art In Warsaw, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw
It isn't important, it's only art, Arsenal Gallery, Białystok
Today’s Art Makes Tomorrow’s Poland, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw
A WINDOW ON THE WORLD, from Dürer to Mondrian and beyond, Museo Cantonale d'Arte, Lugano
SØR Rusche Sammlung: Eros & Thanatos, Werkschau, Leipzig
Sedimente, Kerstin Engholm Galerie, Vienna
Sammlung Marx - Eine Auswahl, Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecin, Szczecin
Conscious consents, Arsenal Gallery, Białystok
Hirschfaktor - Die Kunst des Zitierens, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe
POLISH!, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
Die Sammlung Marx - Eine Auswahl, Atlas Sztuki, Łódź
Michał Budny / Rafał Bujnowski, Neuer Kunstverein Wien, Vienna
Workers Leaving the Workplace, ms2 – Muzeum Sztuki w Łódź, Łódź
On the Threshold, Jiri Svestka Berlin, Berlin
Ostatni Film, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
6 Exhibition Collection, BWA Contemporary Art Gallery, Katowice
something else..., Galerie Ardizón, Bregenz
Public Private Paintings, Mu.ZEE, Oostende
Public Private Paintings. 2000-2010: 10 jaar schilderkunst uit publieke en privécollecties in Vlaanderen en Brussel, Mu.ZEE, Oostende
Transylwania, Galeria BWA Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra
Nothing important, is just art, Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu
Monumenty W PodrÓŻy, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
Over and Over Again, Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdansk
Painting, Process and Expansion, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig (MUMOK), Vienna
Workers Leaving the Workplace, ms2 - Muzeum Sztuki w Łódź, Łódź
Things evoke feelings, Ujazdowski Castle – Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw
Do It Like That, Galeria Stereo, Poznań
Unmistakable Sentences - The Collection Revisited, Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art – Budapest, Budapest
Wenn die Nacht am tiefsten, Kunstsalon Bel Etage, Berlin
3xYES, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw
Contemporary Czech and International Gallery Artists, Jiri Svestka Prague, Prague
Szczyt bohaterów, Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków
Artists of Conflicting Tales: Subjectivity (Quadrilogy, Part 1), Burger Collection, Berlin
Prespress, Ritter/Zamet, London
Freedom from Profit, Galeria Zacheta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
Take a Look at Me Now, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich
Over and Over Again, 1989-2009, Centennial Hall, Wrocław
Double Hemisphere, Foxy Production, New York City, NY
New Acquisitions, Rarely Seen Works, Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art - Budapest
Financial crisis ...from our stock, Jiri Svestka Prague, Prague
Grupy Ladnie, Galerie Ardizon, Bregenz
Red Eye Effect-Polish Photography of the 21st Century, CSW Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej / Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
Krzywe kolo, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
PRUESSPRESS, Rental Gallery, New York City, NY
Motivation - Work – Implement, Jiri Svestka Prague, Prague
Kolekcja Bunkra Sztuki, Stary Browar, Poznań
What kind of painting?, Sprüth Magers Projekte, Munich
P2P, Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, Luxemburg
Carte Blanche: Freundliche Feinde, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst - GfZK, Leipzig
2041, Artnews Projects, Berlin
Carte Blanche I: alpha 2000 Kunstpreis Europas Zukunft, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst - GfZK, Leipzig
Back to Black, Schwarz in der aktuellen Malerei, Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover
Crooked Circle, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
STILL - another exhibition of painting, Futura - centre for contemporary art, Prague
Asteism - Joke and autority, Program Gallery, Warsaw
Concrete Legacy. From Le Corbusier To The Homeboys, The Ujazdowski Castle – Centre for
Contemporary Art, Warsaw
Several Dozen Seconds Of a Badly Developed Film, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
White Out, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz
Polish Painting of the 21st Century, Zacheta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
RISS/LÜCKE/SCHARNIER, Galerie nächst St. Stephan - Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna
Rafał Bujnowski - Stefan Rinck, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich
Bunkier Sztuki Collection, Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków
Under White-Red Flag. New Art from Poland, National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) - Moscow Branch, Moscow
Urbane Malerei, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst - GfZK, Leipzig
Boys, Boys, Boys, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow
Concernés, La Maison Folie de Wazemmes, Lille; Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków
Hot Destination - Marginal Destiny, House of Art, Brno
At Home, The Letterkenny Art Centre, Letterkenny
Leichte Arbeit, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin
Malerei, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich
Pluzzle, Galerie griedervonputtkamer, Berlin
Under The Red & White Flag, New Art from Poland, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius
Under The Red & White Flag, New Art from Poland, Estonian Art Museum, Tallin
Tirol Transfer, Austrian Cultural Forum, Warsaw
Prague Biennial, The National Gallery, Prague
RASTER. Aktuelle Kunst aus Polen, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt/Oder
Malerei, Galerie Johnen + Schöttle, Cologne
Art of the 3rd RP, Polish Sculpture Centre, Oronsko
Ogonblickets Anatomie (Anatomy of moments), Grafikens Hus, Mariefred
Art on the road, AMS Outdoor Gallery, Kraków
Junge Kunst aus Polen, Galerie der Marktgemeinde St. Johann, St. Johann
Projekt Karlsplatz, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna
4th Polish Young Artists Show, Awangarda Gallery – BWA Wrocław, Wrocław
The famous Ładnie Group, Sektor I Gallery, GCK, Katowice
1st friday of the month (Ładnie Group), Manhattan Gallery, Łódź
Popelita, Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków
On the outside, Laznia - Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdansk
Good, Galeria Raster, Warsaw
Fish eye, Baltic Gallery for Contemporary Art, Slupsk/Ustka
Relax, Arsenal Gallery, Białystok
Paint me, Art Exhibition Hall, Zielona Góra
A dream of a provincial girl, Sopot
Assembly kit, Polish Sculpture Centre, Oronsko
Trafik.Kunst, Polnisches Institut, Vienna
Ladnie Group in D'Arcy, D'Arcy Agency, Warsaw
Scene 2000, The Ujazdowski Castle - Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw
Postpoetry, Otwarta Pracownia Gallery, Kraków
Oikos, Leon Wyczólkowski Museum, Bydgoszcz
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