Vera Frenkel
In her work, multimedia artist Vera Frenkel (born in 1938) has explored the experience and problematic of forced migration, exile, and diaspora. Despite her European background, she was raised in North America, where everyday practice and moral commitment differ from that in Europe. Her works revolve around the representability of memory and history, the abuse of political power and the consequences that result. From a palimpsest of memories, rumors, absences, and a “testimony in the absence of witnesses,” she constructs a discourse of historiography that, in contrast to scholarship, is beyond facticity and composition, and overlays historical image with other images. One of her most famous works, Body Missing, a video installation and web presence, deals with the Nazis’ “Special Mission Linz,” the “Führer Museum” that had been planned for Linz and the fate of the artworks that were assembled for it. Linking historical details and documentary material, Frenkel approaches the unexplained location of these works within a fictional framing narrative around a bar.
Her works have been exhibited at Documenta IX, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (1985), Setagaya Museum, Tokyo (1995), OK, Linz (1996), MoMA (1999), and the Venice Biennale (1997 and 2001), amonst others.
born 1938 in Bratislava, lives and works in Toronto
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Ways of Telling, Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto
Mapping a Practice, SBC Gallery, Montréal
Once Near Water: Notes from the Scaffolding Archive, video installation and related works, Akau Inc. Project Space, Toronto
The Institute™, Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa
The Institute™: Or, What We Do for Love, Art Gallery of Sudbury
The Institute™: Or, What We Do for Love, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery (Hart House) - University of Toronto, Toronto
Body Missing, Sigmund Freud Museum, London
Body Missing, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Body Missing, Canadian Cultural Centre, Paris
Videoculture 2000, Wayne State University Video 2000 Festival, Detroit
Body Missing, Goethe-Institut, Toronto
Centre d’Art Contemporain, Hérouville-St. Clair
Messiahs, Migration and Loss, Museum of Modern Art, Department of Film and Video, New York
»…from the Transit Bar« and Body Missing, Göteborg Konstmuseum, Göteborg
Body Missing, GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
Body Missing, Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz
Body Missing, I.S.E.A. Inter-Society for Electronic Arts, Montréal
Raincoats, Suitcases, Palms, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto
Messiah Speaking, Piccadilly Circus Spectacolor Board animation, London
Metro-Centre Messiah, Squires Foyer, Newcastle Polytechnic, Newcastle
Mad for Bliss, Multidisciplinary performance, Music Gallery, Toronto
Trust Me, It’s Bliss, The Hugh Hefner/Richard Wagner Connection, Playboy Mansion [Hefner Hall], Chicago
Les bandes vidéo/The Videotapes, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
The Screening Room, Main Gallery, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis; Artculture Resource Centre, Toronto
In Search of the True-Blue Romance, Exiles/Images of Woman, Artculture Resource Centre, Toronto
Likely Stories: Text/Image/Sound, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston
Selected Group Exhibitions
Domestic Drama, Halle für Kunst Steiermark, Graz
Bodies of Water, 13th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai
PRESS RECORD: Prints from the Open Studio Archive, Contemporary Printmaking Studio, Toronto
Dunkle Energie, xE Ausstellungsraum der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
Hearing a Video, Vtape, Toronto
"Chéer à rebours vers l'exposition": The cas of Aurora Borealis, VOX, Montreal
MemoryLab - Photography challenges history, Mudam Luxembourg, Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg
MemoryLab: The Sentimental Turn, Gropius Bau, Berlin
Continental Drift - Conceptual Art in Canada: The 1960s and 70s, Badischer Kunstverein, Kalsruhe
Continental Drift - Conceptual Art in Canada: The 1960s and 70s Part 1, Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Toronto
Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965-1980 - Part 1, Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery, Montreal
Archival Dialogues, Ryerson University Gallery and Research Centre, Toronto
Contributor to Screen 2010 Exhibition 12: Consumerism – I shop therefore I am? Cultural Olympiad Project, Vancouver
Analogue: Pioneering Artist´s Video from the U.K. Canada and Poland, (final three venues of tour of Canadian museums)
Once Near Water: Notes from the Scaffolding Archive, Candian premiére of performance version of high-definition video with musicians from Continuum Contemporary Music, Isabel Bader Theatre, Toronto
Recollecting: Raub und Restitution, MAK, Wien
Messiah Speaking, Two-channel video installation, Elevator 10, Art Gallery of Ontario, Ontario
Shift: movement and meaning between The Netherlands and Canada, Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam
City Poem/Poem City, Penex-Metropolis Video Wall, Yonge/Dundas Square, Toronto
Tiefenrausch, OK Centrum für Gegenwartskunst, Linz
Telling Stories, Secret Lives, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston
Blow Out, Prefix Gallery, Toronto
Wer Visionen hat soll zum Arzt gehen, Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
Vera Frenkel/Ho Tam, Archive Gallery, Toronto
MY GENERATION: Video art from the 70’s to the present day, Atlantis Gallery, London
Head Start, Campo Santa Marina, 49th Venice Biennale, Venice
Not On Any Map: Travel and Identities of Displacement, The Film Center, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
Fragile Electrons, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Track Records, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg
LAB VII, Centre of Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
Track Records, Alberta College of Art & Design, Calgary, Centre Culturel de Sherbrooke, Mackenzie Gallery, Regina
Second Skin: Looking at the Garden Again, The Gallery, Stratford, Tom Thomson Memorial Gallery, Ontario
Lab VI, Centre of Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
Video Art Plastique, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Basse-Normandie, Hérouville
Virtualität des Verschwindens, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK), Berlin
The Destabilized Landscape, Art Gallery of Ontario, Art Gallery of Windsor, Ontario
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
In the Realm of Freedom, YYZ artists’ Outlet, Toronto
Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen, (contri-bution to Joerg Geismar’s project), Galerie Gabrielle Rivet, Cologne
Beyond National Identities, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, National Modern Art Museum, Kyoto, Hokaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo
Body Missing, in Andere Körper, Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz
4th International Film/Video Festival, Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
The Grief Journey, Toronto Cybercity Project, Toronto, Aperto, Venice Bienniale, Venice
Empowering the Word, Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa
The Other Revolution, John Spotton Theatre, NFB National Film Board, Ottawa, Goethe-Institut, Toronto
documenta IX, Kassel
War, Media & The New World Order, Centre international d’art contemporain, Montréal
Video Positive Festival, Liverpool
Issues in Contemporary Video, Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon
Technologies et imaginaires, Vidéothèque de Paris, Paris
The Fukui International Video Biennale, Fukui
Censored, or The Making of a Pornographer, A.I.R. Gallery, London
Aurora Borealis, The Showroom, London
Toronto: A Play of History, The Power Plant, Toronto
The Lunatic of One Idea, Public Pixelboard project, Square One Mall, Mississauga
Attention: Lost Canadians, Canada Pavilion, Expo ’86, Vancouver
Video as a Social Tool, Video Inn, Vancouver
Visual Facts, Third Eye Centre, Glasgow, Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield
Aurora Borealis, Centre international d’art contemporain de Montréal, Cité du Parc, Montréal
Vestiges of Empire, Camden Arts Centre, London
Projected Parts, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Lump in the throat or the Adam’s Apple: A True Story of Eve, Koffman Union, Minneapolis
Women’s Film and Video Festival, Amsterdam
Gallery Exhibitions
Institutional Exhibitions
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