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Koenraad Dedobbeleer
Bad Timing


Koenraad Dedobbeleer

born 1975 in Halle/BE, lives and works in Brüssel

Selected Solo Exhibitions

Sache: Gallery of Material Culture, Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover
miart Milano 2019, Milan
Plastik- Gallery of Material Culture, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
Performance by appointment, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Kunststoff- Gallery of Material Cuture, Kustmuseum Wiels, Brussels

Images Entertain Thought, Mai 36 Galerie, Zurich

Catch as A Catch Can, CLEARING, New York
A Formal Model / An Inhibition Show, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Brussels 

(SIC), Brussels
There Is No Real Life, Only The Story Of The Life We Are Currently Living, Projecte SD, Barcelona

A Useless Labour, Apolitical and of Little Moral Significance, CLEARING, New York
A quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know nothing, GAK, Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst, Bremen 
The Desperate, Furiously Positive Striving of People Who Refuse to Be Dismissed, Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerp
Cherry & Martin (with Sebastian Black), Los Angeles
Up! (with Kris Kimpe), La Loge, Brussels

Hearsay, Rumours, Bed-Sit Dreamers and Art Begins Today, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp
You Export Reality to Where It Is You Get Your Money From, De Vleeshal, Markt, Middleburg
Workmanship of Certainty, Centre d'art contemporain d'Ivry - le Crédac, Ivry-Sur-Seine

Naive Monoliths, RECEPTION, Berlin
Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, Lokremise, St. Gallen
Some Material Culture Following a Random Method Based on Aleatory Rules, Mai36, Zurich

Good plans are made by hand, Projectesd, Barcelona
To Fallow, Clearing, New York (with Robert Janitz)

A sense of disquietude concerning the existing order of things, Koenraad Dedobbeleer and Herbert Hinteregger, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Ignorance never settles a question, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp
A Privilege of Autovalorization, Galerie 1 – Fundacaco Caixa Geral de Depósitos - Cultergest, Lisbon
Theory was Always Against Ideology, Reception, Berlin

Know What We Are Knowing, Galeria Carreras Múgica, Bilbao
Museen Haus Lange-Haus Esters, Krefeld
Museum of Modern Art, Oostende (with Rita McBride)

Deflationary Exercise, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp
Remember to Remember, Mai 36 Galerie, Zurich
Tight, Repeating Boredom, Frac Bourgogne, Dijon (withRita McBride)
I Don´t Care If Nothing Goes My Way, Museum X (Museum Abteiberg) Mönchengladbach
Repeating Boredom, FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon
Sideline Sitters, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

La liberté d'erreur, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp

Le souhait de disposer, Kiosk KASK, Ghent
Contextual Minimalism I, Benedengalerij, Kortrijk
Throw That Trust On The Fire, Konsortium, Düsseldorf (with Steve Vanden Bossche)

Bad Timing, Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna
Raymond Vanderzande, Netwerk Galerie, Aalst (with Kristof Van Gestel)
Remember the Small Things, CC Strombeek, Grimbergen (with Anne Daems)

Dedobbeleer en Zoon, Artis, 's-Hertogenbosch

Passover, 5er Projectspace, Rotterdam
Shallow, Young Gallery Zone – Art Cologne, Cologne

So Far, Galerie Drantmann, Brussels
Fiction Tales, Galerie Michael Zink, Munich
Collaborative Project, Rijksacademie, Amsterdam (with Els Vanden Meersch)

Parcours d’Incidents, de Ateliers, Amsterdam
Pluses and Minuses, Artists Unlimited, Bielefeld

You are never going Anywhere, Galerie Drantmann, Brussels
Hans Op De Beeck and Koenraad Dedobbeleer, De Warande, Turnhout

Etablissement d’en Face, Brussels

Selected Group Exhibitions

Small is beautiful: (A)rtschwager to (Z)augg, Mai 36 Galerie, Zurich

Gruppenausstellung, Mai 36 Galerie, Zurich 
Copy Construct, Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, Mechelen

Referenz. Im Kontext Mies van der Rohe, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen
Ficciones y territorios, Arte para pensar la nueva razón del mundo, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid 
Solid Liquids. Internationale Tendenzen der Skulptur in der Gegenwartskunst, Kunsthalle Münster, Münster
Naturally Obscure, Centre d'Art Passeralle, Brest
Les Possédés, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille
Two-Story, CLEARING, Brussels
Everything Architecture, Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen, Brussels

Display Show, Eastside Projects, Birmingham
Mortel, suite et fin, FRAC, Basse-Normandie, Caen
Eminent Domains (proper names), Robert Miller Gallery, New York
The Corner Show, Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerp
Sweet Disposition, Cultuurcentrum Ter Dilft, Bornem 
Pierre Leguillon, The Museum of Mistakes: Contemporary Art and Class Struggle, Wiels, Brussels
A Studio in Hand-Reading: Charlotte Wolff. A project by Valentina Desideri, Kunstverein, Amsterdam
The Image of Generator, Extra City, Antwerp

Roma Publications 1998-2014, Fondazione Giuliani, Rome
A Pair is Not a Collection, LLS 387, Antwerp
Small Museum for the American Metaphor, Redcat, Los Angeles
Maybe It's a Hum, Atelier Rouart, Paris
Der Brancusi Effekt, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna
Widening, Carreras Mugica, Bilbao
Fata Morgana, IKOP, Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Eupen

Archizines, AA school of architecture, London
The Self-portrait, the House and the Season, Mu.ZEE, Ostend (Co-Curator)
Found in Translation, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Beyond the Fragile Geometry of Sculpture, De Vleeshal Markt, Middelburg    

Tegenlicht, SMAK, Ghent
Rehabilitation, Wiels, Brussels
Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp
Wall & Floor, Galerie Almine Rech, Paris

Avec Le Tems – In Time, Robert Miller Gallery, New York
Jeugdzonde. Over opus één en opus min één, Hedah, Maastricht
3 Artists Selected by Dan Graham and work by Dan Graham, 303 Gallery, New York City
Merz in Februar, emyt, Berlin

Un-Scene, Wiels, Brussels
Integratie, Intégration, Nieuw(bouw)kunst, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk
Group exhibition curated by Susanne Prine, Emyt, Berlin

Mood Swings, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp
the subjective object, Galerie Conrads, Düsseldorf
Proposals, Kunstencentrum Netwerk, Aalst
Jeune Peinture Belge, Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels
Early Retirement, Mai 36 Galerie, Zurich

ERGENS (Somewhere), MuHKA - Museum voor Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, Antwerp
Independex – BB 4, Ausstellungsraum Restitution, Berlin
Anspach, Anspach Center, Brussels

Le genie du lieu, Musée des Beaux Arts, Dijon
Time to close, Galerie Drantmann, Brussels
Soundscape, STUK, Leuven
La perspective du cavalier, CAC Parc Saint Léger, Pouges-les-Eaux
Photography within/as an Installation, Stella Lohaus Gallery, Antwerpe
Lichtkunst aus Kunstlicht, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe

Multiple Miscellaneous Alliances, Clubsproject Inc., Melbourne
Dedobbeleer, Sailstorfer and Wissel, Zink & Gegner, Munich
Pistes, Netwerk Galerie, Aalst
Alles was bij voorbaat al begonnen, Factor 44, Antwerp

The Sublime was Yesterday, RUG, Ghent
Bestuifbegeerte, Z33, Hasselt
Once Upon a Time..., MuHKA, Antwerp
Screening, Etablissement d´en France, Brussels
New, Netwerk Galerie, Aalst

Early Works, de Ateliers, Amsterdam
As If, Octopus–Brugge, Bruges
De Kelder op de Vliering, W139, Amsterdam
La salle de cinema, Centre d´Art Contemporain „La Passerelle“, Brest
Diazonali, Pacos das Artes, Sao Paulo

Interferenties, de Overslag, Eindhoven
Pentagon, STUK, Leuven
Parcours d´incidents, De Ateliers, Amsterdam
Flat Space, Witte Zaal, Ghent

Part II, CC Strombeek, Brussels
Diasporical Thoughts, TACK Toren, Kortrijk
CC/NICC, Place Fontainas, Brussels

Trouble Spot Painting, Museum voor Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen
Folle, Studio Ercolani, Bologna
Bouillion, HISK, Antwerp

Ik was vier in 75, Nicc, Antwerp


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