
Mark Dion @ Centre Pompidou | through June 30
Énormément bizarre - La collection Jean Chatelus, donation de la fondatioin Antoine de Galbert
Centre Pompidou, Paris
Nearly 400 works—sculptures, installations, paintings, photographs, drawings, and votive objects—explore themes of the body, death, and the fleeting nature of life.
This collection, presented almost in its entirety, reflects the evolution of Jean Chatelus' vision: initially influenced by Surrealism and repurposed objects, then by body art, ethnographic artifacts, and popular traditions. It also features some of contemporary art’s enfants terribles, including Cindy Sherman, Mike Kelley, Christian Boltanski, Yayoi Kusama, Michel Journiac, Daniel Spoerri, Robert Filliou, Nam June Paik, Joana Vasconcelos, Andres Serrano, and Wim Delvoye.
Camila Sposati @ Uppsala Art Museum | 15.03.2025 - 24.08.2025
Corpus Cosmos
Uppsala Art Museum, Sweden | 15.03.2025 - 24.08.2025
Opening: 15.03.
The exhibition Corpus Cosmos seeks to engage in a dialogue about bodily experiences in the borderland between faith and knowledge. The Latin corpus refers to the body in medicine and the Greek kosmos to the idea of an organised universe. The exhibition features sculptures, tactile installations, paintings and sensual sound works. The artist's subjective view of the world mixes dreamlike and hallucinatory scenes with analyses and incisions.
Artists: Ingela Ihrman, Pakui Hardware/Neringa Černiauskaitė and Ugnius Gelguda, Pia Sandström, Camila Sposati and Xadalu Tupã Jekupé.
Denisa Lehocká @ Krupa Art Foundation | 14.03 - 1.06.2025
The Neurobiology of Love
Krupa Art Foundation, Wroclaw, Poland
Artists: Szilvia Bolla (HU), Joey Holder (UK), Denisa Lehocká (SK), Ursula Mayer (AT-UK), Luboš Plný (CZ), Iza Tarasewicz (PL),
curated by Boris Ondreička (SK)
Main motivation of The Neurobiology of Love rises out of observation of intertwinement of artistic and scientific ways of imagining and its further imaging, materialization of “subject”. Sometimes it is surprising (even for scientists themselves) how precisely artists portray certain phenomena even from other points of departure and methodology, allowing intuitive and/or automatic, subconscious forces to guide their creative endeavours. The Neurobiology of Love meditates around personal viewing, tacit knowing and chances of embodiment of “undisplayable” / “unspeakable”.
Following Semir Zeki’s pioneering study of neuroaesthetics, The Neurobiology of Love understands production (in-out) and consumption (out-in) of “undisplayable” in the wider net of triggers and consequent processes (of postproduction and distribution). It traces myriads of frequencies of neurosis of creative urge (and self-expression-drive) rising in a vertigo of turbulent times we live in. Neurosis of internet of everything incorporates itself in artistic cosmos of curves, synapses and hatchings, mycelia of drawing, pirouettes of performative act.
The Neurobiology of Love focuses on individual psychological which is influenced by (out-in) and influences (in-out) collective political. It does not matter if consciously, conceptually, strategically, or unconsciously, “spiritually”, poetically, metaphorically, spontaneously it does anyhow.
Andreas Fogarasi @ Kunstverein Eisenstadt | 7.3. – 27.4.2025
Zwischen Stufen, Phasen, Stopps (TUN FÜR TUN)
Eröffnung: 7.3., 18:00
Ausstellung: 7.3. - 27.4.2025
Kunstverein Eisenstadt
Künstler*innnen: Franz Amann, Andreas Fogarasi, Michael Gumhold, Anna Hofbauer, Isa Schmidlehner
Bei derAusstellung Zwischen Stufen, Phasen, Stopps (TUN FÜR TUN) handelt essich um die letzte Präsentation des Kunstvereins Eisenstadt in seinenangestammten und seit 2018 bespielten Räumlichkeiten. Diese Ausstellungthematisiert diese besondere Situation, indem sie Arbeiten versammelt, dieMomente der baulichen Veränderung, des Weiterziehens, aber auch die Qualitäteneiner festgelegten Unterkunft zur Präsentation zeitgenössischer Kunst – ihrerMerkmale, Bedingungen, Rollen und Interessen – ein vorläufig letztes Maladressiert. Es geht hier jedoch nicht um einen Abschluss, sondern um eineUnterbrechung, wie sich auch das ästhetische Zentrum der Ausstellung ausKontrasten und Ambivalenzen zusammensetzt. Die Sequenzen der Entkoppelungräumlicher und zeitlicher Logik lassen den Raum und die Arbeiten darin füreinen Moment außerhalb des Urteils und auf sich selbst gestellt erscheinen.
Gratis Shuttle zur Eröffnung
Abfahrt Wien: 17h, Karlsplatz
Rückfahrt Eisenstadt: 20:30h
artikulation #4 Thomas Locher: some notes... (barely written out) von Svea Grasberger

Lesen Sie Svea Grasbergers Kritik über Thomas Lochers letzte Ausstellung in unserer Galerie some notes...(barely written out).
Subjekt • Prädikat • Objekt. Diese grundlegenden Elemente genügen, um die einfachsten Sätze der deutschen Sprache zu formen. Doch sie bilden nicht nur die Basis alltäglicher Kommunikation, sondern auch das Fundament des Rechtssystems. Wie dieses in die Prozesse innerhalb einer Gesellschaft eingreift und welche Rolle die Sprache bei dessen Entstehung und Wirkung spielt, ist das zentrale Thema bei der in der Galerie Lombardi—Kargl präsentierten Ausstellung some notes… (barely written out) von Thomas Locher.
Hier weiterlesen.
Lenora de Barros @ Badischer Kunstverein | 28.2.-11.5.2025
Lenora de Barros
To See Aloud
28.2. - 11.5.2025
Badischer Kunstverein
Opening: Thursday, 27.2.2025, 7 pm
The first presentation in 2025 continues the series of exhibitions focusing on female artists from the field of Concrete Poetry. Following projects on Lily Greenham (2024) and Ilse Garnier (2023), we are showing the work of the artist and poet Lenora de Barros (*1953 in São Paulo) for the first time in Germany. She is a representative of Brazilian Concrete Poetry, whose beginnings can be traced to the Gruppe Noigandres in São Paulo in 1952. In Brazil, this movement, which is largely independent of the European context, is known as Arte Concreta. Lenora de Barros is an artist who comes from the generation following the Noigandres and is strongly influenced by them. Her works are characterized by an intimate interplay between the body, language and the self, and in particular by (post) feminist concerns. Other elements of her work include Conceptual Art, Pop Art and Fluxus.
Curated by Alex Balgiu and Anja Casser
Andreas Fogarasi @ Várkert Bazár – Ybl6 Art Space, Budapest | 25.1. – 11.5.2025

Between Spheres
Art and Science – Works from the Collection of the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB)
25.1. – 11.5.2025
Várkert Bazár – Ybl6 Art Space, Budapest
Artists: Bak Imre, Balázs Nikolett, Bullás József, Csáji Attila, Fajó János, Andreas Fogarasi, Frey Krisztián, Gáspár György, Hantai Simon, Horváth Lóczi Judit, Jovanovics Tamás, Konok Tamás, Kóródi Zsuzsanna, Lantos Ferenc, Major Kamill, Melkovics Tamás, Mengyán András, Nemes Márton, Pintér Dia, Reigl Judit, Szentpétery Ádám, Anthony Vasquez
The interconnection between art and science can be described as a desire to understand the world, which is the motivation behind the exhibition Between Spheres. The interdisciplinary approach does not focus on all disciplines, but rather on the specific disciplines that are typical of the contemporary collection brought to life by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. Thus, the main nodes are technical engineering, language, computer science, physics, natural sciences, nature and heritage conservation. The exhibition picks up in time where our world-famous Hungarians - László Moholy-Nagy, György Kepes or Marcell Breuer - have made a name for the close relationship between art and science, and focuses on achievements since the 1960s. The exhibition deliberately gives equal space to different generations, including the internationally successful post-modern generation of Hungarian origin, Hungarian neo-avant-garde artists and the current middle generation, as well as young talents.
Jitka Hanzlová & Mark Dion @ Lentos | 24.01.-18.05.25
Touch Nature
Lentos | 24.01.-18.05.25
Opening 31.1.2025
The multimedia exhibition ”Touch Nature” showcases international artists and their takes on the devastating political, economic, ecological and humanitarian consequences of the Anthropocene. It becomes quite clear in the process that, in addition to documenting grievances and formulating strategies of resistance, these artists also provide blueprints for utopias.
The economic exploitation of huge tracts of land, rising levels of soil sealing and the global effects of consumerism are addressed alongside the capitalist manipulation of waste. A series of cooperative ventures, some of which are interdisciplinary in character, results in art projects that deal with the global food situation, the spread of epidemics and the consequences of colonialism, aiming at a change of perspective. The exhibition develops encouraging visions of a new relationship between humanity and nature and of an approach to our environment marked by mindfulness and respect.
The exhibition is based on a series of exhibitions of the same name that were shown in twelve of Austria’s Forums of Culture in Europe and the United States between 2021 and 2024. This allowed Austrian artists to enter into a creative dialogue with artists of the host countries. The show at the Lentos presents a summary of this series of exhibitions and supplements it with international works of art. Its roughly 100 artists present a multinational overview of the current engagement with the climate crisis and the destruction of our environment. It is in the spirit of Alexander von Humboldt, a pioneer of ecological thinking, who famously wrote to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1810: “Nature must be felt.”
Curator and exhibition concept: Sabine Fellner
Artists: Uli Aigner, Iris Andraschek, Peter Bartoš, Matei Bejenaru, Julius von Bismarck, Vanja Bučan, Floriama Candea, Laura Codruța Cernea, Adriana Chiruta, Sevda Chkoutova, Larisa Crunțeanu, Mark Dion, Veronika Dirnhofer, Ines Doujak, Anna Dumitriu/Alex May, Latifah Echakhch, Christian Eisenberger, Titanilla Eisenhart, Michael Endlicher, İnci Eviner, Thomas Feuerstein, Andrea Francolino, Dorothee Frank/Ben Fodor, Birgit Graschopf, Nicola Hackl-Haslinger, Maximilian Haidacher, Jitka Hanzlová, Peter Hauenschild, Beáta Hechtová, Edgar Honetschläger, Anaïs Horn, Alfred Hruschka, Barbara Anna Husar/Elmar Bertsch, Gözde İlkin, Nona Inescu, Fatoş İrwen, Tobias Izsó, Maren Jeleff/Klaus Pichler, Sabine Jelinek, Anna Jermolaewa, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Johanna Kandl, Eginhartz Kanter, Anton Kehrer, Kitty Kino, Aurora Király, Alexandra Kontriner, Nina Koželj, David Kranzelbinder, Elena Kristofor, Hans Kupelwieser, Antonio Kutleša, Christiane Löhr, Linda Luse, Haruko Maeda, Péter Mátyási, Claudia Märzendorfer, Katharina Meister, Ferdinand Melichar, Karina Mendreczky, Sylvie de Meurville, Ana Maria Micu, Claire Morgan, Alois Mosbacher, Yvonne Oswald, Monika Pichler, Margot Pilz, PRINZpod, Luisa Rabbia, Julia Reichmayr, Oliver Ressler, Hubert Roithner, Gregor Sailer, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Davor Sanvincenti, Judith Saupper, Hans Schabus, Scheibe & Güntzel, Ramona Schnekenburger, Gabriele Schöne, Martin Schrampf, Claudia Schumann, Marielis Seyler, Milica Simonović, Rebecca Smith, Paul Spendier, Oana Stanciu, Thomas Stimm, Mircea Suciu, Maria Szakats, Adrienn Újházi, Hana Usui, Dan Vezentan, Judith Wagner, Manfred Wakolbinger, Violetta Wakolbinger, Betsy Weis, Nives Widauer, Eva Yurková, Laurent Ziegler/Georg Blaschke
Nedko Solakov @ Ludwig Museum Budapest | 17.10.2024-29.6.2025

Nedko Solakov
A Cornered Solo Show #5
Ludwig Museum Budapest | 17.10.2024-29.6.2025
The Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art is thrilled to present Nedko Solakov’s humorous, site-specific installation, located in the museum’s lobby, next to the cloakroom. In this work, Solakov explores the idea of an artist who seeks to view the world from a radically different perspective—literally by turning himself upside down to shift his viewpoint.
A Cornered Solo Show #5 is being presented in celebration of the museum’s 35th anniversary and the 30th anniversary of Solakov’s solo exhibition, The Collector of Art. The exhibition also marks the Ludwig Foundation's recent acquisition of 12 drawings by Solakov, entitled Correctness (2021). As part of this event, the artist will generously donate A Cornered Solo Show #5 to the museum, along with three additional drawings titled Bad Moves (2023).
About the series
The project, titled A Cornered Solo Show, began in 2021 when Solakov proposed the directors and curators of leading museums to offer him an “insignificant” corner of their institution—outside of the typical exhibition spaces, yet still accessible to the public. To date, four installations have been staged in major European museums, each uniquely tailored to the specific qualities of the chosen corner: #1 MUDAM – The Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg (2021) #2 MAXXI – National Museum of 21st Century Art, Rome (2022) #3 Upper Belvedere, Vienna (2023–2024) #4 National Gallery, The Palace, Sofia (2024)
Nedko Solakov @ Wende Museum, USA | 13.10.2024-19.10.2025

Nedko Solakov
Counter/Surveillance: Control Privacy Agency
Wende Museum, Culver City, USA | 13.10.2024-19.10.2025
In recent decades, technological advances have supercharged surveillance. Online, personal data are automatically collected and analyzed on a mass scale. Algorithms watch, listen, track, and identify people, complementing and sometimes replacing human eyes and ears. Powerful combinations of surveillance software and hardware, such as surveillance cameras outfitted with real-time facial recognition, are conquering public spaces. These technologies are often misleadingly presented as though they were pure innovation and have no history.
Artists: Asya Dodina, Berlin collective, Graham Fink, Gerhard Lang, Paolo Cirio, Robert Rehfeldt, Xu Bing, Verena Kyselka, Nedko Solakov, Damara Ingles, Ken Gonzales-Day, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Yang Jian, Decebal Scriba, Liat Segal, Sadie Barnette, Yazan Khalili, Franisco Masó, Slava Polishchuk
Camila Sposati @ Sesc Interlagos, São Paulo | 22.8.2024 - 30.3.2025

Nós — Arte & Ciência por Mulheres
Sesc Interlagos, São Paulo
August 22., 2024 - March 30., 2025
From August 22, 2024 to March 30, 2025, Sesc Interlagos will host the exhibition "We - Art & Science by Women", which highlights the trajectory of women as producers and maintainers of knowledge in the scientific, intellectual and artistic fields.
The exhibition covers historical scenarios ranging from ancestral wisdom to the growing presence of women in scientific institutions. The narrative reveals women's ongoing struggle for a more equal society, where everyone has full access to political, economic and social rights.
The exhibition features accessibility resources, such as scripts and videos with audio description and video-libras.
"Nós - Arte & Ciência por Mulheres" (We - Art & Science for Women) is organized by Sesc São Paulo, conceived by Estúdio M'Baraká, and has the support of collections from USP's Zoology Museum, the Indian Museum (FUNAI), the Earth Sciences Museum / CPRM, the Butantan Institute and documentation from institutions such as Fiocruz, the National Museum, the Roberto Burle Marx Site and the National Library, among others.

ARTISSIMA | Dialogue
Mark Dion
Camila Sposati
Booth 14 | Corridor BLACK
November 5 – 7, 2021
OVAL Lingotto Fiere
via Giacomo Mattè Trucco, 70

David Fesl & Jakob Lena Knebl
Room 1.5
186 Avenue Victor Hugo
75116 Paris
Oct 20 - 24, 2021
David Fesl
Jakob Lena Knebl

An Incomplete & Unreliable Guide to Social Media War Room Curated by Valentinas Klimašauskas
Spike Art Magazine, Vanessa Joan Müller, 26.09.2021
Jakob Lena Knebl & Agnieszka Polska @ Belvedere 21
Der Standard, Katharina Rustler, 14.09.2021
Agnieszka Polska @ Baltic Triennial 14
Tagesspiegel, Werner Bloch, 05.09.2021
Agniezska Polska @ Museum of Modern Art Warsaw

Olivia Coeln
Booth C04
Alte Post Vienna
Postgasse 10
1010 Vienna
Sep 2 - 5, 2021
Vienna Contemporary
Georg Kargl Fine Arts @ viennacontemporary 2021
Salzburger Nachrichten, 19.08.2021
Georg Kargl Fine Arts @ Miart 2021, 08.2021
Olivia Coeln @ ViennaContemporary 2021
Georg Kargl Fine Arts @ ARCOmadrid 2021
La Razon, Concha García, 02.07.2021
Ocula, Rory Mitchell, 07.07.2021, Stefan Kobel, 08.07.2021
Parnass, Sebastian C. Strenger, 09.07.2021
Mark Dion @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts
Vienna Art Week Blog, Maximilian Steinborn, 08.07.2021
Wiener Zeitung, Claudia Aigner, 14.07.2021
Agnieszka Polska @ Museum of Modern Art Warsaw
ARCO madrid 2021
Booth 7C03
VIP/Professional days:
07/07 - 09/07/2021, 12:00 - 20:00
Public days:
10/07/2021, 12:00 - 20:00
11/07/2021, 12:00 - 18:00
IFEMA Feria de Madrid
Avenida del Partenón 5
28042 Madrid

with Jakob Lena Knebl
Booth P4
Opening 24 June 2021
VIP preview from noon
Vernissage 5–8 pm
Fair days 25–27 June 2021
Opening hours 11 am–7 pm
Jakob Lena Knebl
Der Standard, 02.06.2021
Georg Kargl Fine Arts @ SPARK 2021, Stefan Kobel, 24.06.2021
Wiener Zeitung, Christof Habres, 25.06.2021
Tagesspiegel, Christiane Meixner, 26.06.2021
Mark Dion @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts
Kurier, Michael Huber, 13.06.2021
Georg Kargl Fine Arts @ Vienna Art Week Blog
Maria Christine Holter, 18.06.2021
Andreas Fogarasi
Der Standard, Stefan Weiss, 18.06.2021
Mark Dion/Jakob Lena Knebl
Georg Kargl Fine Arts is proud to present a selection of paintings by American artist and filmmaker CARTER.
In his complex collaged paintings, CARTER integrates various materials such as threads, towels and embroideries, parachute cord and patches. Materials that have a story of their own by referring to their previous life. While assembling them to new meaning, the artist forms a personal reference system. The paint as well as the ‘ready-mades’, create a hybrid collage in form of an abstract painting. With isolated figurative markings and abstract styles, these reflections on painting show the process as well as an evocation of fragmented identities. The multi-layered and subtly variated colored paintings depict faces, meticulously sewn eyes, wide opened mouths with brightly colored lips and teeth, stuck out tongues and floating heads. In general, it is a socio-political transformation of identity construction that CARTER is interested in. His works on canvas form lively patchwork carpets of personal symb in olism. Informed by a decades-long interest in the tropes of traditional portraiture, Carter punctuates his multi-textural pieces with facial expressions divorced from the physical body. In more recent paintings, such as „The Past/Next One Hundred Years“, the multi-colored spectrum is intensified and focused on a complex multi-layered painted composition.
Our presentation pays tribute to an artist that has achieved an unique, distinctive and individual style in reference to his artistic predecessors and his own American tradition.
CARTER´s work has been included in exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Whitney Museum of American Art, Tate Modern and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, among others.
To visit the presentation, please follow the link here
Rafał Bujnowski @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts
Die Presse, Almuth Spiegler, 03.05.2021
Georg Kargl Fine Arts @ SPARK Kunstmesse 2021
Salzburger Nachrichten, 19.05.2021
Mark Dion @ BIG I University of Vienna
University of Vienna, 21.05.2021
We are pleased to present a historical body of work by Clegg & Guttmann. The presentation includes thirteen ’constructed photographs’ from 2002 and an earlier work, "The History of Photography" from 1984. Eight of the ’constructed libraries’ are sampled photographs of selected books on topics related to anarchism, cubism and syncopated music from libraries in Vienna and New York. The background image of the five photographic portraits are various portraits by Clegg & Guttmann, on which facial parts of anarchists (Goldman, Bakunin, Kropotkin), cubists (Picasso, Gris) and musicians (Joplin, Stravinsky) were transplanted.
To view this presentation, please follow the link here.
Rafał Bujnowski @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts
Wiener Zeitung, Claudia Aigner, 14.04.2021
Jakob Lena Knebl @ MAH Geneve
Der Bund, Christoph Heim, 07.04.2021
A Magazine Curated By, Riccardo Conti, 21.04.2021
Jakob Lena Knebl @ Venice Biennale 2022
Artsy, Allyssia Alleyne, 20.04.2021
Vera Frenkel @ 13th Shanghai Biennal
Camila Sposati @ Georg Kargl BOX
Georg Kargl Fine Arts @ ARCO E-xhibitions
We are pleased to inform you about our participation at ARCO E-XHIBITIONS.
With two online presentations we approach the mutual interrelation of nature and culture.
Jitka Hanzlová @ ARCOmadrid
3D and 2D presentations are available here
Unfolded Matter - Nature as Culture, Culture as Nature
@ ARCOlisboa with selected artworks by
Olivia Coeln
Mark Dion
Peter Fend
Sanna Kannisto
Agnieszka Polska
Marcel van Eeden
To view this presentation, please follow the link here
ARCO E-XHIBITIONS is a space created for the ARCO community with the galleries of ARCOmadrid and ARCOlisboa. Hosted on ARCO's website, it will be flexible and changing with new contents every month.
Jakob Lena Knebl @ KUB - Kunsthaus Bregenz / MAH - Geneve
GoOutMag, Aurore De Granier, 03.2021
Finestre sull'Arte, 04.03.2021
C/O Vienna, Antje Mayer-Salvi, 05.03.2021
Die Presse, Almuth Spiegler, 29.03.2021
Camila Sposati @ Georg Kargl BOX
Georg Kargl Fine Arts @ FIAC - Online viewing rooms
Rafal Bujnowski @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts
FIAC Online Viewing Rooms 2021

We are delighted to inform you about our participation at FIAC Online Viewing Rooms which will take place from March 2nd – 7th, 2021.
We will present selected works by Jakob Lena Knebl and David Maljković.
FIAC Online Viewing Rooms
Jakob Lena Knebl
David Maljković
Jakob Lena Knebl @ MAH Geneve
Sabine B. Vogel, 09.02.2021
NCR, Thomas van Huut, 17.02.2021
Rosa Rendl
Wiener Zeitung, Andreas Rauschal, 11.02.2021
Peter Fend
David Maljkovic @ INTERCONTI WIEN
Der Standard, Katharina Rustler, 28.01.2021
Weltkunst, Lisa Zeitz, 15.01.2021
Jakob Lena Knebl @ MAH Geneve

28.01.- 07.02.2021 (Online)
Hotel InterContinental Wien
Johannesgasse 28
1030 Vienna
David Maljković, Afterlist, 2020
print on aluminium foil, Ed. 20 + 10 AP
94,5 x 71 cm
David Maljković´s PART 8: EDITION Afterlist follows the artist’s exhibition on view at our gallery and his interventions at our website during May-June 2020.
Afterlist spins around a network of different signs, fragments, transformations, and references. It highlights the ambiguous, open relationship to the finished work, which challenges development and novelty, examining the possibility of otherness, variance and inconsistency as driving principles.
Afterlist attempts to allow multiple readings of the work, depicting practice as it evolves and transitions as well as relationship towards the complexities of time, self-referentiality, the use of earlier works as material and the exploration of the nature of the gaze.

mit Hoffnung und Zuversicht für ein großartiges Neues Jahr
Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen in 2021!
We look forward to seeing you in 2021!

Jakob Lena Knebl & Ashley Hans Scheirl
Seasonal Greetings
Kunsthaus Bregenz, 12/12/2020 - 14/03/2021
Postfach 45
6900 Bregenz
Seasonal Greetings, Jakob Lena Knebl & Ashley Hans Scheirl, Kunsthaus Bregenz 12.12.2020-14.03.2021
Die Presse, 07.12.2020, 10.12.2020
Salzburger Nachrichten, 10.12.2020
Monopol December 2020
Artmagazine, 11.12.2020
The Gap December/January 20/21
Frankfurter Allgemeine Online, 20.12.2020
Niederösterreichische Nachrichten Online, 20.12.2020
Mercedes Mangrané - Emancipation Series
Lettre International | LI 131, Winter 2020
Kunstmagazin PARNASS, 12/2020-02/2021
Herbert Hinteregger, Silvie Aigner
Mark Dion, Fiona Liewehr
David Maljković PART 7: EXHIBITION @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Susanne Rohringer, 06.11.2020
Curated by_ Alistar Hicks @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts
Olivia Coeln, Mark Dion @ Fragile Schöpfung, Dom Museum, Vienna
ORF, Religion, 01.10.2020
oe1, 05.10.2020
Der Standard, Katharina Rustler, 13.10.2020
KUNSTFORUM International 270
Herbert Hinteregger @ PARNASS Special Auktion and fine Arts, Autumn 2020
Jakob Lena Knebl, Olivia Coeln, Rosa Rendl @ TREND Magazin
TREND. Das Wirtschaftsmagazin, Michaela Knapp, Künstlerranking, 30.10.2020
Vera Frenkel - Frieze London 2020 - Online Viewing Room

Frieze London 2020 - Online Viewing Room!
We are proud to present Vera Frenkel at Possessions, Frieze London 2020.
Vera Frenkel is one of Canada's most renowned multidisciplinary artists, respected both internationally and at home. Her complex and ground-breaking practice addresses the forces at work in human migration, the learning and unlearning of cultural memory, and the ever-increasing bureaucratization of experience.
Preview days: October 7 - 8, 2020
Public days: October 9 - 16, 2020
To access Frieze Online Viewing Room, please register HERE!
Harpers Bazaar Arabia, 08.10.2020
viennacontemporary 2020

viennacontemporary 2020
Sep 24 – 27, 2020
Marx Halle
Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19, 1030 Vienna
Herbert Hinteregger
Booth: C10
Rosa Rendl
Booth: D09
Z-series online at vc_on
Katrina Daschner
Andreas Fogarasi
Nadim Vardag
online: Sep 17 – Oct 27, 2020
Video: Where Do We Find Ourselves…
Katrina Daschner
Agnieszka Polska
Andreas Fogarasi
Booth: C23
Vintage Gallery in collaboration with Georg Kargl Fine Arts
Visitor Info | Opening hours
Press September 2020
Parnass Special
Curated by 2020
Curated by 2020 - FAZ
Jakob Lena Knebl
Vorarlberger Nachrichten
Bakelit. Die Sammlung Georg Kargl @ MAK
Kurier, Michael Huber (15.07.2020), Florian Baranyi (18.07.2020)
Welt, Sabine Vogel (26.07.2020)
Jakob Lena Knebl
Dorotheum myArtMagazine, Doris Krumpl (Juli 2020)
Andreas Fogarasi
Collectors Agenda, Sylvia Metz (Juli 2020)
Erwin Thorn @ Albertina Modern
Die Presse, Almuth Spiegler (17.06.2020)
Jakob Lena Knebl @ Biennale di Venezia 2022
Parnass Newsflash (24.06.2020)
ARCO lisboa 2020 Online
Visit ARCOlisboa 2020 Online edition with:
Lenora de Barros
Jakob Lena Knebl
Agnieszka Polska
Nedko Solakov
On view: May 20 - June 14, 2020
Mercedes Mangrané
PARNASS Gallery Diary - Mercedes Mangrané (May 11, 2020)
Jakob Lena Knebl
Spike #63 NEW YORK ISSUE (print edition)
Mercedes Mangrané
Mercedes Mangrané - Drainage Systems: Individuelle Stadtansichten
Antoine Donzeaud
Parnass - Gallery Diary
Nedko Solakov - What artists are doing now.
Andreas Fogarasi
Falter 14/20 - Die Krise als Chance
Jakob Lena Knebl
Flash Art Online
Antoine Donzeaud
Die Presse – Schaufenster

Jakob Lena Knebl’s solo exhibition Frau 49 Jahre alt at LENTOS Kunstmusem in Linz opened on February 6th. The exhibition shows works by Jakob Lena Knebl together with the collection of LENTOS.
EXTENDED until August 9, 2020
Jakob Lena Knebl - Ruth Anne @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts - Szenarien einer affektiven Körpersprache (Feb. 2020)
Die Presse
Der Standard
ARTFORUM - 2021 Venice Biennale
Jakob Lena Knebl - Ruth Anne @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts
Der Standard - Zu Gast im Fetisch-Apartment (Jan. 2020)
Die Presse - „Mich interessiert das Grenzwertige“ (Jan. 2020)
Der Falter - Genderklamauk, wie aus der Pistole geschossen (Jan. 2020)
Andreas Fogarasi - Nine Buildings, Stripped @ Kunsthalle Wien
Der Standard - Urbanist Andreas Fogarasi in der Kunsthalle Wien (Jan. 2020)
Die Presse - Griss um die alten Fliesen (Jan. 2020)
Parnass (Jan. 2020)
KURIER - Wo Gebäude sich entkleiden, macht Andreas Fogarasi Kunst (Jan. 2020)
Herbert Hinteregger - Waldboden, Forest Floor @ Zeitkunst Galerie Kitzbühel
Kitzbühler Anzeiger - Ein Raum voller Kugelschreiber?! (Jan. 2020)
Thomas Locher, Willem de Rooij - Modern Alibis @ Georg Kargl Fine Arts - Textur und Sprache (Jan. 2020)
Artforum - Thomas Locher and Willem de Rooij (Jan. 2020)
Agnieszka Polska - I CALL YOUR NAME @ Associazione Barriera, Italy
Contemporary Lynx - I CALL YOUR NAME (Jan. 2020)
Koenraad Dedobbeleer - Sache: Gallery of Material Culture @ Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover
moussemagazine - Koenraad Dedobbeleer “Sache: Gallery of Material Culture” (Jan. 2020)

Location & Opening hours
IFEMA Feria de Madrid
Avenida del Partenón 5
28042 Madrid
February 26th - March 1st 2020
Opening Hours
From February 26th to March 1st from 12h to 20h
ARCO Madrid

LOOP Barcelona BALCONY at artgenève
Booth L1
Jan 30 - Feb 2, 2020
David Maljkovic, Afterform, 2013
route françois-peyrot 30
1218 le grand-saconnex

Jakob Lena Knebl
Ruth Anne
Opening: January 16, 2020
On View: January 17, 2020 - March 28, 2020
Wed – Fri 1 pm – 7 pm
Sat 11 am – 4 pm
My Gloomy Record Cover Store
BRUCE! curated by Jakob Lena Knebl
Opening: January 16, 2020
On View: January 17, 2020 - February 29, 2020
Wed – Fri 1 pm – 7 pm
Sat 11 am – 4 pm
To Some Extent
Albano Afonso, Sandra Cinto, Ding Musa
Opening: January 16, 2020
On View: January 17, 2020 - February 29, 2020