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Camila Sposati
From Within, Beneath, and Beyond: Through Matter


Camila Sposati

geboren 1972 in São Paulo, lebt und arbeitet in Wien

ausgewählte Einzelausstellungen

From Within, Beneath and Beyond: Through Matter, Lombardi—Kargl, Wien 

Coal, HOAST, Vienna

Atem-Stücke (Part II), ifa-Galerie, Berlin 
Atem-Stücke, ifa-Galerie, Stuttgart

Corpos de Phonosophia, Residência Belojardim, Pernambuco
Phonosophia, Georg Kargl BOX, Wien

Phonosophia, Goethe Institut - na Vila Itororó, São Paulo

Glory Hole, São Paulo

Earth’s Earth, Eleven Rivington Gallery, New York, USA

When 2+2=0, Die Raum, Berlin
Green-Dyed Vulture, HICA-Highland Institute of Contemporary Art, Achnabat, Inverness
Darvaza, Casa Triângulo, São Paulo
Charting Revolution, Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz

Rescue Submarine Signal, Die Raum, Berlin
Gabion, Centro Universitário Maria Antonia, São Paulo

Nucleation, Casa Triângulo, São Paulo

Rescue Smoke, Paço das Artes, São Paulo

The BBQ, Berlin


ausgewählte Gruppenausstellungen

CORPUS COSMOS, Uppsala Konstmuseum, Uppsala 

Nós - Arte e Ciência por Mulheres, SESC Interlagos, São Paulo
My memory isn´t mine, Krupa Art Foundation, Polen
Bringing Owls from Athens, Georg Kargl BOX x Callirrhoë, Athens, Georg Kargl BOX, Wien
Body at Play, Georg Kargl BOX, Wien

HARD/SOFT. Textiles and Ceramics in Contemporary Arts, MAK, Wien
Here and Now II - Vienna Sculpture 2023, Neuer Kunstverein Wien, Wien
37° Panorama da Arte Brasileira, Under the ashes, embers, Sesc, Sorocaba
We - Art and Science by women, Paco da Artes,São Paulo
Precious, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

trauma, dreams escape,13th Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre
The devil to pay in the backlands, Neuer Kunstverein Wien, Wien
37° Panorama da Arte Brasileira, MAM, São Paulo

Sorry It´s a Mess, We Just Moved In!, Lamb Gallery, London
Cybernetics of the Poor, Tabakalera, San Sebastian, Kunsthalle Wien, Wien

Echos of South Atlantic, Pivô arte e pesquisa, Galeria Athena, Rio de Janeiro
Belo Monte, Pernambuco, Brasilien

#elenão, LAMB Arts, London
Museu dos Futuros Possíveis, Centro Internacional de Convenções do Brasil/ SESI-Vitoria do Espírito Santo
Echos of South Atlantic, Goethe Institut, Salvador
Museu José Bonifácio, Rio de Janeiro

The sky is still blue, you know…, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo
To Seminar, BAK. basis voor actuele Kunst, Utrecht

The Earth Anatomical Theatre, Teatro Vila Velha, Salvador
10th Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Perception of art and Science, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
The garden of forking paths, Sobering Galerie, Paris

3th Bienal da Bahia, MAM-Bahia e Museu de Arte Sacra, Salvador
Manifesto: poder, desejo, intervençã, Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Ado Malgoli–MARGS, Porto Alegre
Geografias da Criação, Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Ado Malgoli– MARGS, Porto Alegre
Arte e Patrimônio 2014, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
Neblina, Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul – MACRS, Usina do Gasômetro, Porto Alegre
Janeiro, Bendana-Pinel art contemporain, Paris

Arte e Design, Torre Santander, São Paulo
Reforma e reivenção, Museu de Arte da Bahia-MAMBA, Salvador
Video Selection, Galerie Joseph Tang, Paris
Correspondências, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo

Cibles, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris
Outra generacion, Blanca Soto, Madrid
Cromomuseu. Pós-Pictorialismo no Contexto Museológico, Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Ado Malgoli– MARGS, Porto Alegre

Album, Galeria Baró, São Paulo
RAW - Lustwarande’11 - 4th Edition International Sculpture Exhibition, Tilburg

Multiplique Boutique, Galeria Mendes Wood, São Paulo
Editions, Casa Triângulo. São Paulo
The Great Glen Artist Airshow, Highland Institute of Contemporary Art – H I. C A, Inverness-Hire

Void of Memory, Platform in KIMUSA of Platform 2009, Seoul
Scream and Listen, 7th Mercosul Biennale, Porto Alegre

Open studio, Tokyo Wonder Site, Tokyo
Active Forms, Eleven Rivington Gallery, New York
Form Instability, Institute of Brazilian Architects, São Paulo
Artist links, Centro Cultural Sao Paulo, São Paulo

Crystal Growth /Opening Studio, Gasworks, London
Comunismo da Forma: Som + Imagem + Tempo - Estratégia do Vídeo Musica, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo
Video Links Brazil: na antohology of Brazilian Video Art. 1981-2005, Tate Modern, London
Living Level, Absolute Vodka-Sparte, São Paulo

Convergência, Galeria Del Infinito Arte, Buenos Aires
Certamen Internacios de Artes Plasticas de Pollença, Museu de Pollença, Mallorca
Neobarroco, Galeria Leme, São Paulo
Videometry, Galeria dels Angèls, Barcelona
Vizinhos /networked art in Brazil, MuseumsQuartier, Wien
7º Salão do Mar, Casa Porto das Artes Plásticas, Vitória do Espírito Santo
Laisle entertainment – Video as Urban Condition, Paço das Artes, São Paulo
Paris é aqui, São Paulo
LATAM, Fundación Telefónica, Lima
Aderências, SESC Paulista, São Paulo
Paralela 2006, Pavilhão dos Estados, São Paulo

Além da imagem, Centro Cultural Telemar, Rio de Janeiro
Prog: ME, Centro Cultural Telemar, Rio de Janeiro
El sutil Vertigo de la Imagen, Centro Cultural Parque de España, Rosário
Aderências- Mediterrâneo, SESC Paulista, São Paulo
Sex frjó egg, Woollenmaiden ProjectSpace, Reykjavik
Brief Encounter, 12 de maio de 2005, ReykjavikurAkademian, Reykavik
Portrait, Galeria Leme, São Paulo
Ocupação, Paço das Artes, São Paulo

Exposição n.1, Galeria Leme, São Paulo
Fluxo de Arte Belém Contemporâneo, Museu de Arte de Belém (MABE) e Memorial dos Povos, Belém do Pará
Mostra de Video Paulista, Espaço Bananeiras, Rio de Janeiro
Cine Quintal n.1, Exo experimental, São Paulo
Framing Devices, The Agency gallery, London
Goldsmiths College Graduates 2003, Mirko Mayer Gallery, Köln

Insert, Cuchifritos Essex Street Market, New York
Take me seriously, Apriori Gallery, London
Made in UK, Arch Gallery, London
Dörgicsewineart, Pántlika Borház, Budapest

The island and the aeroplane, Sparwasser HQ, Berlin
X Salão de Arte de Goiá, Shopping Flamboyant, Goiania
April’s Fool, São Paulo
E(x)tra Bienal, São Paulo

Chuckoo chuckoo chukoo, Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland
Lovesick, Bergens Kunstforening, Bergen
Future Perfect, Adam Street Gallery, London
Landscape Trauma in the age of scopophilia, The Gallery-Southward Park, London
Unchaperoned, Aroma Project Space, Berlin
Pandemonium Festival, Lux Cinema, London
EV+A - 25th Annual Exhibition of Visual Art, Limerick City Gallery, Limerick
Glamourhammer, Boxing Ring Samuel Becket, London

Assembly, Stepney City, London
Pourquoi, Moulin de Heutrégiville, Reims
Living with a Dutch, House Project, Enlarger Road, London
Chroma, Mercado de Fuencarral, Madrid
Shotgun, Udstillingsstedet Peblinc, Kopenhagen
Cool, Elephant and Castle House project, London
Rooftopp, 17th Star & Garter mansions -Putney, London
Degree Show, Goldsmiths College of London, London
Landscape, Institut of Contemporary Art- ICA - video projection: Leicester Sq., Convent Garden e Festival Edinburgh
non stop opening, Galeria Zé dos Bois, Lissabon

non stop opening, Central Point Gallery, London

Novíssimos, Galeria Fotótica, São Paulo


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